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Etsy SEO: 8 Proven Strategies to Optimize Etsy Listings

Etsy SEO Optimization: Tips to Create Listings That Convert

Want to drive more traffic and sales to your Etsy shop? By mastering Etsy SEO optimization, you can improve your search ranking and attract more buyers. Let’s explore how Etsy sellers can optimize their listings to boost conversions and increase visibility in Etsy’s search engine.

This post may contain affiliate links. All this means if you decide to make a purcharse using one of my links I may make a small commission at no additional charge to you. If you would like to know more about this click this link>>> HERE

1. Perfect Your First Photo

Your first image is crucial for capturing attention in Etsy search results. High-quality, well-lit photos that clearly showcase your product can drive clicks. Avoid placeholders or cluttering up the image; clarity wins always.

Taking high quality product images was probably one of the things I thought I was never going to be able to accomplish when I first started my Etsy Shop.

I mean hello I sew, I am NOT a photographer!

And I would bet you’re probably thinking something along those same lines. Am I right?

No worries, trust me when I say you can do this! If I can then you can

You just need a few tricks up your sleeve, you won’t even need to spend a ton money to get these great looking listing images either.

You’re not even gonna need a fancy camera.

I actually found that my pictures came out the best when just using my iPhone camera. But any smart phone camera will do.

All you need is to get a few settings right before you start..

Pro Tips to Optimize Your Listing Images for Etsy SEO

Pro tip # 1 : Change your aspect ratio to square this will make it so much easier when you want to plug your images into the listing photos section of your Etsy Shop.

Pro tip # 2: Take your listing images using the portrait setting on you camera phone. Trust me when I say this is a gamechanger!

Pro Tip # 3: Natural Light can be your best friend when taking your product photos! If you can take your product images next to a window where the sun is shining in.

But if you product photos need a boost these tools can help.. (they helped me)

If however your like me and are a night owl and can never find the time to take your product photos when the sun is shining then this tool right >>here is a life saver! You will great listing photos almost every time and not have to do any editing! Its called a light box and will seriously transform your product images and make them qualify for the pages of vogue!

Use those 2 tips plus the light box and it will transform the look of your Etsy Shop plus put your products in the best possible light! << (Pun fully intended!)

2. Master Etsy SEO

Etsy search engine optimization starts with well-crafted titles, tags, and descriptions. Use relevant keywords naturally, focusing on terms like “Dog Collar” and “Dog Accessory” Place important keywords early in titles and integrate them into your descriptions.

If wanting to learn everything you can about about Etsy SEO you can check out this blog post >>here.

If your looking for a guide that walks you through fully optimizing the SEO in your Etsy Shop I put together this guide >> here that will fully optimize your store for ETSY SEO.

Etsy SEO is so important for your Etsy shop its literally how your customers find you.

The sooner you can start learning Etsy SEO the sooner you’l start hearing consistent cha-things!

3. Optimize Your Listing Descriptions

Your Etsy Listing Descriptions play a huge role in both Etsy’s algorithm and your customers decisions.

Highlight product details, sizes, and uses in a way that sounds authentic, not salesy.

Don’t stuff your keywords—craft engaging, keyword-rich text.

Listing Descriptions play a huge role in your Etsy SEO.

You’ll want to take the keywords you find for titles and tags and sprinkle them throughout your listing description.

What you don’t want to do it just list a bunch of keywords and call it good.

You want your description to be readable to both your customers and Etsy Search.

Still having trouble coming with keywords??..

If you’re having trouble coming up with the right keywords to use for your Etsy Shop Keyword Tools can be a life saver!

Tools like a Alura offers great keyword research tools. Just type in what your selling. for example “dog collar” and it will populate a ton of keyword options for you ro use such as “leather dog collar” or “training collar”. Along with keyword inspiration, Alura will show you how many times a specific keyword has been searched per and how much competition you’ll have for that keyword on Etsy.

If you want to Try Alura out you can use this link>>> HERE if you use the code PUTNAM15 Alura is offering an additional discount just for my readers. I would jump on this because its only good for a set amount of people!

Alura is a really amazing tool and can be so helpful if your looking to fully optimize your Etsy SEO and level up your Etsy Shop! (I literally use it every single day)

4. Leverage Tags for Etsy SEO

Tags are a game-changer for Etsy SEO & listing optimization. Always use all 13 available tags with variations of your keywords, like “luxury dog collar” or “red dog accessory,” to increase your visibility.

This will help to fully optimize your Etsy shop for Etsy SEO.

Still needing help coming up with the right tags for your Etsy SEO another great tool to try out is Everbee they have a great Chrome Extension That makes gathering intel for your Etsy SEO even Easier.

Try them out here>>> Everbee!

5. Set Competitive Prices

Shoppers often compare prices within search results. Research your niche to price competitively and consider running sales or offering free shipping to help stand out from the crowd.

My recommendation is to price your products a little higher then you normally would to give yourself padding for when you want to run a sale.

When you run a sale Etsy will put a little countdown timer next to your product pricing.

This installs a sense of urgency in your customers triggering them to want to get your item before the sale is over. Its a great selling tool, when used right!

Just make sure not to price your products to low that your not paying yourself for your time!

This is so important, because If you’re not paying yourself you’re not going to be in business for very long.

Still unsure on how much you should be paying yourself? I created the perfect tool to help you figure it out! Check out the link below..

If you need help figuring out your hourly wage I created this Etsy Pricing Calculator Spreadsheet that will help you figure out how to price your products. Use this code at checkout BLOGFRIENDS or click the link it will give you 75% off everything in my Etsy Shop!

6. Gather Positive Reviews

Great reviews improve trust and influence your customers buying decisions. Always aim to provide exceptional customer service to encourage great feedback and showcase your shop’s reliability.

Here’s a pro tip: ask your family and friends to make a purchase from your shop. Offer them a great coupon code in exchange for them to leave you a glowing review!

Usually I would never tell you to tell a customer what kind of review to leave you. But since these are your friends and family members ask them to support you dreams and leave you a great review.

That way if they have any issues with a product they can talk to you in private. And give you their constructive criticism.

This information can be vital for Etsy Shop it will let you know exactly what products need your attention asap!

7. Use Engaging Photos and Videos

Listings with multiple photos and a video are more likely to convert. Try Showing your product in use, or highlighting the details, this can help craft a compelling visual story.

If you can make a video to go with your listings. Alura offers a great tool to instantly make your product video for you!

Pro tip: Use as many photos as possible, they don’t all have to be just images of your products.

They can be an image that showcase your social media handles

Or an image with just text works. One that explains exactly what your product does or what pain point it’s solving for your customer.

Not all customers will read your descriptions!

In fact most customers don’t! So as much information as you can put in your listing photos the more it will help your listing to convert.

8. Improve Shipping and Processing Times

Transparent and affordable shipping boosts sales.

Offer free shipping if possible and provide faster processing options to cater to urgent buyers.

Always ship out your product as soon as possible.

But if your product is one that takes longer to make lets say it takes 4 weeks? No worries, you just do not want to put that it will be shipped out the following week.

You never want your customer to be expecting their shipment and it doesn’t arrive when you promised it. would.

Underpromise and over deliver!

Meaning if it takes 4 weeks to make your product tell them it will be ready for shipping in 5 weeks and try to get it to them in 3 weeks.

This will make for happy customers and happy customers leave happy reviews!

Lets talk Free Shipping Real quick..

Another thing to think about with shipping is to offer it for free.

Customers love Free Shipping! I don’t know how many times I made a purchase purely because one seller offered free shipping and one did not. And I know I’m not the only one!

Free shipping does not have to mean that you are the one paying for their shipping though. You can simply work the price of shipping into the total price of your product.

Then it’s a win, win!

So in Conclusion
With these Etsy SEO tips, you can easily tweak and create your Etsy shop listings.

So That way they will convert and rank you higher in Etsy search in no time.

Remember to focus on quality images, strategic keywords, and engaging descriptions to attract buyers and grow your shop quickly!

Don’t forget to Underpromise and Over Deliver on Shipping times.

By applying these strategies, as an Etsy seller you can unlock the full potential off your Etsy SEO!

Start optimizing your shop today to rank higher and to hear more cha-things!

xox Heather – your Etsy cheerleader & inspiring your Craft Empire




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